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Leszek Kotula, M.D., Ph.D., 315-464-1690, [email protected]

这种多功能成像系统具有独特的共聚焦技术, which allows you to explore more physiologically, relevant, complex three dimensional models, including spheroids, tissues, 和整个生物体,并以高通量为载玻片或1至1536孔微孔板上的样品生成出版物质量的图像. 该装置的主要特点是机载机器人流控头, including the following specifications: automated liquid handling for compound/media addition; ability to perform well washing using disposable pipette tips; add, wash, and dispense into user configurable patterns; fully customized workflow through scripting; single-channel pipettor with dispense volumes from 3 µL to 200 µL (±1 µL ±5%); supports 96- or 384-well format pipette tips; holds two temperature-controlled plates for compound addition or media exchange; 3D analysis tools are integrated into acquisition and analysis software and are able to measure volumes, diameters, and distances in 3 dimensions. 此外,软件在8个并行处理器上运行,用于快速多线程分析.

Reservation Calendar

Key capabilities of the microscope:

  • 选择最适合您的分析和吞吐量需求的共聚焦几何形状
  • 通过我们独特的光路技术,在不牺牲吞吐量的情况下实现出色的图像质量
  • 利用先进科学的CMOS探测器快速获取统计相关数据, enabling >3 log dynamic range
  • Large field of view enables whole-well imaging
  • 通过透射光,液体处理和环境选项扩展您的研究能力
Confocal technology at the speed of widefield imaging:
  • 用4倍放大倍率的单幅图像捕获384孔板的整个孔
  • 在一张4倍放大的图像中捕捉1536孔板的4个孔
  • Throughput of >160K wells/day confocal, >200K wells/day widefield 2 ImageXpress

Rules of operation

ImageXpress微共聚焦项目向大学的所有研究者开放, 我们必须执行一些规则,以确保每个调查员都有平等的机会使用我们的设备:

  1. 所有使用者在使用显微镜之前必须经过培训. 培训结束后,将建立一个账户,用于预留时间和使用显微镜.
  2. 所有用户必须在网上日历上注册,以便在使用显微镜之前预留时间.
  3. Reservation policies:
    1. No reservation more than 2 weeks in advance
    2. The reservation times may separate to two categories:
      • Regular working slots (8am to 5pm, Monday to Friday)
      • 非工作时间(周末及平日上午8时前或下午5时后).
      • During a regular working slot one user can reserve an instrument for max 4 hours per day and 8 hours per week; however this can be combined with an off-hour slot where the reservation is not limited.
    3. 如果你不能使用你所预订的显微镜, 请尽可能提前在日历上删除您的预约时间,以便其他人可以看到您的空闲时间.
    4. 如果您在预定时间结束前完成或在预定时段当天取消, 请通知下一个或前一个排队的人,以便他/她可以早些开始或继续更长时间. 如果您是当天的最后一个用户,并且您在24小时内取消了预订, 你有责任确保关掉显微镜. 在完成后关闭系统之前,请务必通知用户, otherwise he might leave the microscope on for you. 
  4. Using the microscope:
    1. Please start your session punctually. Repeat "No-shows" will lose their sign-up privileges.
    2. 请在您的课程结束时查看在线预订日历,以便在最后一刻更改和更新时间表. Leave the system on if someone is reserved next within two hours; keep the laser in standby whenever possible to prolong their life.
    3. 使用者必须清洁使用过的显微镜物镜,用完后处理垃圾. 如果您携带任何活体标本或潜在有害样品,请将其处理在您的实验室.
    4. 晚上的最后一个用户负责关闭显微镜系统.
  5. You are responsible for your data. The system computers are for temporary image storage. 请将您的数据保存在计算机的数据硬盘上,并在获取后尽快传输您的图像数据. 在计算机硬盘驱动器上留下的映像文件将在一段时间内被删除.
  6. 使用者在使用显微镜时,如有任何问题或损坏,请及时报告.
  7. No food or drink is allowed in the microscope rooms.

Billing rules:

  • The hours billed are based on your computer log off. Remember to log off to end the billing session.
  • 所有用户必须在每台显微镜的纸质日志上记录系统使用情况.
  • Minimum time billed is 1 hr
  • 每次成像将按预留时间或以1小时为单位使用的小时数中较大者计费.e., all time is round up to a full hour)
  • 技术支持以1分钟为单位计费,并添加到使用成本/小时中
  • 电力用户的年费已被季度折扣所取代. There is now a quarterly cap on the cost of laser use. Other fees (training, 技术支持等)除激光使用外还收费,不打折.

如果你没有在日历上安排的时间出现, you will be billed for the amount of time scheduled.

删除(取消)或修改日程表上安排的时间必须在您安排的时间之前至少24小时完成,否则您将按照最初安排的时间收取费用. (注意日历保留所有条目和修改的电子记录).

Core Fees

Core Fee Schedule

How to Access Core Services:

Phone: 315-464-1690
Email: [email protected]
